Top Page > Press Release 2024 > MOL Selected as 'Nadeshiko Brand' for 4th Consecutive Year, Reflecting Measures to Encourage Women's Success in the Workplace

MOL Selected as 'Nadeshiko Brand' for 4th Consecutive Year, Reflecting Measures to Encourage Women's Success in the Workplace

March 21, 2024

TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) today announced that the company has been selected as a "Nadeshiko Brand" for the fourth consecutive year under a joint initiative by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TES) to promote women's success in the workplace.
The initiative aims to introduce investors to TES-listed enterprises that make noteworthy efforts to help women succeed in the workplace and accelerate the initiatives of each company, making these enterprises attractive investment targets that emphasize improving mid- and long-term corporate value. This year, 27 companies from 18 industries were selected.

In the selection process, evaluation targets for this year were expanded to items related to support for working and parenting (support for balancing work and parenting regardless of gender), in addition to the continued emphasis on the linkage between management strategy and human resource strategy, including active roles for women and non-financial information disclosure, as in the previous fiscal year.

Based on its "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Basic Policy", revised in August 2023, MOL Group has supported an improved balance of work with various life events such as childcare and nursing care according to different life stages, promoted training plans for female managers as future management candidates, supported improvements to onboard working conditions for female seafarers (Note), and teamed up with other companies to co-sponsor an interactive event to mark "International Women's Day" designated by the United Nations. Through these measures, the group has continued to implement various initiatives related to promoting women's empowerment and more active participation in the workplace.

MOL Group will continue to create a workplace environment and corporate climate in which every employee can maximize their enthusiasm and vitality and combine their diverse personalities and abilities.

(Note) A roundtable discussion was held to provide an opportunity for female seafarers to discuss inconveniences and challenges they experience on board. During the discussion, they mentioned the large number of sanitary products they had to bring with them on board as one of these burdens. In response, a trial to provide sanitary products on vessels was initiated.

'Nadeshiko Brand' award ceremony
(The first from the left in the last row is Hiromichi Takezaki, MOL Executive Officer)

MOL Group 5 Sustainability Issues
MOL Group identifies "Sustainability Issues" (Materiality) as our key issues for sustainable growth with society through realization of the Group Vision.
We anticipate this initiative to contribute especially to the realization of "Human & Community -Contributing to the growth and development of people and communities-".