The MOL Charitable Trust has unveiled the list of environmental and social projects for 2022
The MOL Charitable Trust (the "Trust") unveiled on Friday, December 10, 2021, at an official ceremony held in Mahebourg, presented 26 projects from NGOs and local organizations selected for grant by the fund out of the projects that applied for the first round of recruitment, and exchanged memorandums of understanding with the organizations.
Trust received more than 100 applications, but the selection was difficult because of the high quality of each project, and we decided to fund 26 projects, which was more than we had originally planned.
The following 26 projects were eligible for grants from 2022.
■Yearly Report of 2021-2022
Final Report (Aug.31, 2023) Interim Report (Feb.14, 2023)
■News Letter of 2022
First Edition Second Edition Third Edition
*The amount in the frame is the "Trust" grant amount. *IMUR=0.022USD
- Association pour le Développement Durable (ADD)
support for coastal communities in 6 villages in the South-East region through awareness of environmental issues, acquisition of skills for coastal protection, production of ecological objects or foodstuffs, cultivation of gardens and vegetable gardens and the launch of small businesses.
MUR 987,500 / USD 21,725
- Fondation Ressources et Nature (FORENA)
training of women from the South-East region for the cultivation and implementation of mangroves and other useful and/or endangered plant species.
MUR 999,000 / USD 21,978
- Biodiversity Preservation
development of an "ecoliteracy toolkit" by students for students to promote awareness of environmental issues and major ecological causes.
MUR 985,000 / USD 21,670
- Bonheur Associé Aux Enfants
daily lunch distributions to 65 children from families in need in Cité Beau-Vallon.
MUR 997,900 / USD 21,954
training of 50 commercial divers for aquaculture farms in the Southern Region or Dolphin & Whale Watching.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
- DPIN-Development Practitioners In Network
training, assistance and empowerment of women in precarious situations from 8 villages in the South-East region to help them improve their family situation.
MUR 900,000 / USD 19,800
- Mouvement Bien-Etre de la Cite la Chaux (BECC)
purchase of two boats allowing the fishermen of Cité La Chaux to practice fishing on the high seas.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
- Youth With Disabilities Empowerment Platform (YWDEP)
training of young people with disabilities for the cultivation of fruits, vegetables and plants.
MUR 492,000 / USD 10,824
- Pointe d'Esny Sanctuary Foundation/Reef Conservation
engage the local communities of Pointe d'Esny and Mahébourg for the establishment of a Voluntary Marine Conservation Area around Île aux Aigrettes.
MUR 998,850 / USD 21,975
- Caritas Ile Maurice
skills development programme for vulnerable communities (literacy, life skills, pastry and cooking).
MUR 984,250 / USD 21,654
- Ocean Connect
community restoration of mangroves and mollusc nurseries through the establishment of a mangrove forest.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
- Precious Plastic Mauritius
establishment of a semi-industrial recycling platform in Pointe Jérôme.
MUR 871,700 / USD 19,177
- Eco-Sud
development of agroecological systems with sensitive communities in the South-East region to promote food self-sufficiency.
MUR 994,000 / USD 21,868
- Gunsham Seeborun (Falcon Citizen League)
support for young people from the South and East regions through agro-ecological training for the cultivation of gardens and vegetable gardens. In collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Youth Clubs will be opened in the region.
MUR 963,750 / USD 21,203
- Action Familiale
life skills training for young people and women (through the Reve Twa Fam program) living in the vicinity of Mahebourg, and financial support for six months to families in need in Ville Noire.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
interactive training for the production of vegetables in greenhouses through organic farming and the restoration of agricultural heritage through the production of vegetables of yesteryear, while helping beneficiaries to sell their productions on the KIBAZ online platform.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
financing of several projects to support the students of the college whose families are experiencing financial difficulties: donations of meals, donations of school materials, financing of private lessons and educational excursions.
MUR 592,350 / USD 13,032
production of " Island Nature Reborn ", a documentary retracing the safeguarding and regeneration of ecosystems following the sinking of the Wakshio.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
- EcoMode Society
Purchase a specialized vehicle to engage in coral research and conservation.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
- Mahebourg Espoir
agricultural project for young people trained in the agricultural school of Mahébourg Espoir.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
renovation of the pre-primary school Les Tisserins de Mahébourgà Cité La Chaux, Mahébourg.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
- La Chaux Mahebourg Academy Football Club
financing of sports equipment and coaches for young footballers in Cité La Chaux.
MUR 889,500 / USD 19,569
- Mission Verte (Fondation Ressources et Nature)
Raising awareness of waste management and recycling in the South-East region: educational sessions with children from the region, production of awareness videos, installation of 4 recycling bins in the region, launch of a Green Ambassador by bicycle, collaboration with Precious Plastic.
MUR 1,000,000 / USD 22,000
- Pointe Jerome Sailing School and Club (PJSSC)
financing the installation of containers for the premises and equipment of the club, which has 60 children from backgrounds in need.
MUR 572,640 / USD 12,598
- Vallée de Ferney Conservation Trust
reducing the risk of extinction of endangered endemic plants in the Ferney Valley.
MUR 963,000 / USD 21,186
- Zenes San Frontyer
creation of a music school for young people to help them make a career in this field.
MUR 998,725 / USD 21,972