First Dialogue with environmental NGOs and experts

On Tuesday, September 15, we have held an online roundtable with the participation of environmental NGOs acting globally, and experts on environmental issues to exchange views on MOL's support for Mauritius. Representatives from a total of 10 companies and organizations expressed a wide range of opinions on our environmental recovery and local contribution measures announced on September 11.
Helped by these valuable suggestions, we will keep seeking the advice of experts, and continue to implement assistance and contribution activities for Mauritius.

Current condition of each oil-polluted area and progress of cleaning reported by MOL dispatched team was shared during the roundtable.
(Left: Site 4-B Falaise Rough, Rivieres des Creoles Nord as of September 7, Right: Site 9 Pointe du Diable as of September 8) *
* Division of cleaning sites is based on the area division shared among local working groups.