To the future, with our 'Ocean Planet.' BLUE ACTION MOL
003 Mangrove Restoration &
Conservation Project
To the future,
with our
'Ocean Planet.'

BLUE ACTION 003 Mangrove Restoration &
Conservation Project
The cradle of life,
for future generations.

Nov 10, 2022

Carbon storage of Mangroves

Mangroves grow in brackish waters in tropical and subtropical regions. They attract many living things, which create a unique, rich ecosystem filled with diversity. However, this cradle of life is dwindling due to deforestation. To restore, protect, and pass on to future generations these mangroves that we are currently losing, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines has joined a blue carbon project in Indonesia with a partner company.

Blue carbon refers to carbon dioxide captured and stored by marine ecosystems. Mangroves capture and store more CO2 relative to their area than forests on land. This ability to store carbon has drawn attention to mangroves as a powerful tool to fight climate change. The project aims to remove and reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by approximately 11 million tons by restoring and conserving mangroves in an area covering 23,500 ha. In addition, Mangroves are expected to protect people living in coastal areas from tsunami and high waves, improve water quality, clean the soil, and help to restore and preserve ecosystems.

Restoring mangroves mean bringing back the original rich treasures of our planet and passing them on to future generations. Like a mangrove connecting the sea and the land, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Group wants to connect people with nature, for the sake of all life on earth living in the next generation. There is meaning in acting now on the crisis we face. To start, we will take what concrete action we can as a social infrastructure company operating on the oceans.

Mangroves grow in brackish waters in tropical and subtropical regions. They attract many living things, which create a unique, rich ecosystem filled with diversity. However, this cradle of life is dwindling due to deforestation. To restore, protect, and pass on to future generations these mangroves that we are currently losing, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines has joined a blue carbon project in Indonesia with a partner company.

Blue carbon refers to carbon dioxide captured and stored by marine ecosystems. Mangroves capture and store more CO2 relative to their area than forests on land. This ability to store carbon has drawn attention to mangroves as a powerful tool to fight climate change. The project aims to remove and reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by approximately 11 million tons by restoring and conserving mangroves in an area covering 23,500 ha. In addition, Mangroves are expected to protect people living in coastal areas from tsunami and high waves, improve water quality, clean the soil, and help to restore and preserve ecosystems.

Carbon storage of Mangroves

Restoring mangroves mean bringing back the original rich treasures of our planet and passing them on to future generations. Like a mangrove connecting the sea and the land, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Group wants to connect people with nature, for the sake of all life on earth living in the next generation. There is meaning in acting now on the crisis we face. To start, we will take what concrete action we can as a social infrastructure company operating on the ocean.



The sea occupies 71.1% of the earth's surface.
It connects countries around the globe and has given rise
to economic activities that have become
the foundation of humankind's development.
The earth's very potential lies in its oceans.
Our home is indeed an "ocean planet."
If you look at the world from an ocean perspective,
you can see a completely different future.
As a company that has always moved forward with the sea,
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) believe its potential more than anyone.
As a Group, our mission is to draw forth this immense value
shared by humankind and create sustainable growth for societies.
Now is the time for us to think and act outside the box.
MOL will utilize the knowledge we have gained through shipping
to expand the field to social infrastructure companies that originate from the oceans.
When opportunity presents itself, we should take full advantage of it.
Let's build new hope for tomorrow, together.

* Please Note: 'The sea occupies 71.1% of the earth's surface'- is sourced on data from the Chronological Scientific Tables 2022, compiled by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.