MOL Charitable Trust NGO Releases Video to Raise Awareness of the Eco-friendly Circular Economy
In December 2023, the "Mission Verte," a local NGO funded by the MOL Charitable Trust(Note 1), released a video on the use of composting in the home and its impact on the environment.
Mission Verte, the recipient of the Trust's first grant projects, presents environmental awareness-building sessions for residents of the southeastern region in Mauritius and promotes plastic waste recycling activities. It has released two videos so far.(Note 3)
The latest video, in two parts, is aimed at raising residents' awareness of recycling-oriented social initiatives using compost. It was also produced with funding from the Trust.
Through the Trust, MOL will continue to work closely with local communities to support activities for environmental protection.
(Note 1) For information on the Trust and grant recipient projects, please refer to:
the June 21, 2021, press release, the post dated December 24, 2021, on this page "MOL Charitable Trust selected projects for funding," and "The MOL Charitable Trust has unveiled the list of environmental and social projects for 2021-2022" on the "Funding page" of the website
(Note 2) Mission Verte
Aims to manage waste and raise awareness of recycling in the southeast area of the island.
(Note 3) For the videos already released by Mission Verte, please refer to the post dated May 16, 2023, "MOL Charitable Trust NGO Releases Environmental Protection Awareness Videos."
Loisirs et tourisme durables à la plage et la mer - YouTube
The first video on sustainable activities and tourism related to the ocean
Le gaspillage alimentaire - YouTube
The second video on discarded foodstuffs

Biowaste Composting: Recover Your Green Waste - Part 1
(Video on the environmental impact of composting use.)
Biowaste Composting: Recover Your Green Waste - Part 2