August 01, 2024
MOL has disclosed the results of "MOL Sustainability Plan" FY2023 Results on our website.
("MOL Sustainability Plan" FY2023 Results)
We have identified "Sustainability Issues (Materiality)," which are important issues for the Group to pursue sustainable development together with society by realizing the Group Vision. In April 2022, we formulated and published the MOL Sustainability Plan, which sets specific targets, KPIs, and action plans for each sustainability issue, in order to accelerate our efforts to address these issues (materiality).
In fiscal 2023, this plan was positioned as part of the management plan BLUE ACTION 2035 to integrate management and sustainability. We have compiled the results of this plan for fiscal 2023 and reported and disclosed the progress toward the targets.
We strive to enhance the MOL group's corporate value and contribute to realizing a sustainable society by moving forward with sustainable initiatives.
MOL Group 5 Sustainability Issues
MOL Group identifies "Sustainability Issues" (Materiality) as our key issues for sustainable growth with society through realization of the Group Vision. We anticipate this initiative addresses all five sustainability issues.