Contact Us

If you cannot find the information you require, please use the form below to contact us
and we will be happy to help you. After completing the form, please click the "Next" button.

  • Please note that we will only respond to investor information inquiries.
    Depending on the complexity of your question, it may take a while for us to respond,
    so please be patient.

* indicates required field. Other fields are optional, but it would be helpful for us if you completed them.

(*) Required Items.

E-Mail (*)
(*Only if you checked institutional
investor or company status
in the above.)

Privacy Protection Policies

  • Please click here for our privacy protection policies. We shall not use the information you provide for any purpose other than responding to your question/comment or for another purpose that you have specifically requested.
  • Depending on the subject of your question or comment, we may provide your information to a group company or other company(ies) that can provide the most complete answer.