Engagement Survey


Our group has conducted the "corporate culture assessments" since 2014 for organizational development purposes. In 2022, we introduced the "Engagement Survey" because the engagement of each employee has become more important than ever in improving organizational strength due to the diversification of work styles and the diversity of the members who make up the workplace. The survey enables all participants to view results simultaneously and in a timely manner, enabling them to take action quickly to improve each employee's engagement and organizational strength.
In addition, the frequency of implementation is once a year in the "Engagement Survey" instead of every other year in the "corporate culture assessments," and a pulse survey was also conducted once a year to check the progress of organizational development. Surveys are conducted simultaneously throughout our group.
The "findings" from the survey results are shared by everyone through dialogue within the organization. This will lead to improvements in organizational strengths and changes in personal consciousness and behavior in each organization. Also, for common issues within our group, initiatives are led by the head office. By doing these, we aim to improve the engagement of each and every one of our group employee, and to improve the organizational strenght by establishing this action cycle.


Frequency : Once a year (December every year) ※In addition, pulse surveys are conducted once a year. (Every June)
Target : Employees working in MOL and employees working in MOL Group companies in Japan and overseas
Method : Online questionnaire style (Five-point rating scale answers)

*Including questions on job satisfaction, sense of purpose, and happiness through work etc.

Corporate Culture Assessment

Item 2018 2019 2020 2021
No. of employees responding
(working in MOL Head Office) (persons)
- 720 - 762
No. of employees responding
(working in MOL Group companies) (persons)
2,505 - 2,237 -
Response rate 84% 84% 92% 87%

Engagement Survey

Item 2022 2023
No. of employees responding
(working in MOL) (persons)
1,482 1,482
No. of employees responding
(working in MOL Group companies) (persons)
2,466 2,466
Employees working in MOL Group companies in overseas - 2415
Response rate 81% 91%