July 29, 2010
TOKYO - Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (the Company; President: Koichi Muto) today announced a revision of its consolidated business outlook for FY2010, ending March 31, 2011 (April 1, 2010-March 31, 2011), issued on April 27, 2010, as follows:
In the outlook for the first half, the Company anticipates a significant recovery in profits due to the following factors: Cargo volume in the containership business has been revitalized and freight rates have recovered, and exports of completed cars in the car carrier business has rebounded, so made an upward revision of its earlier announced consolidated business outlook for FY2010.
As a result of consideration in expected business environment from the third quarter in addition to revision of the outlook for the first half, the Company made an upward revision of its earlier announced consolidated business outlook for FY2010.
Forward looking statement
Future outlooks such as plans and strategies related to matters other than the past and present facts in this press release contain potential risks and uncertainties, and are not guaranteed. These outlooks are issued by the Company according to currently available information. Please realize that actual achievement may be significantly different from these outlooks, due to various factors such as future economic trends, market demand, exchange rates, bunker prices, other economic, social, and political situations, and various contingencies.