October 11, 2018
TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Junichiro Ikeda) today announced plans to launch the experimental use of a system (Note 1) that supports ship operation during voyages using augmented reality (AR) technology, jointly developed by Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. (President: Yukio Furuno; Headquarters: Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo Prefecture) and MOL Techno-Trade, Ltd. (President: Hirokazu Hatta; Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo) on a very large crude carrier (VLCC) subsequently to car carrier.
In this project, information, such as other ships sailing around the vessel and landmarks like buoys at sea, can be shown on tablets and other displays, based on data from the Automatic Identification System (AIS). Images of landscapes taken from the bridge can also be shown on the same tablets, and these images will overlap with AR to provide visual support to crewmembers operating ships and keeping watch during voyages.
The AR display screen was upgraded based on feedback of an initial trial that started in March of this year using a next-generation FLEXIE car carrier, the Beluga Ace (Note 2). The screen allows the officer on watch to check important voyage information such as the speed of other vessels, the closest approach time, and the closest approach distance at a glance. An experimental version of this upgraded system will be installed aboard the newbuilding VLCC Suzukasan, which is slated for delivery on October 12, to continue demonstration tests aimed at verifying the performance of the AR display screen. The system, which supports ship operation and watch-keeping, will be installed on additional vessels in succession.
MOL has moved ahead with advanced support of safe operation and reduction of its environmental impact, as set out in the "ISHIN NEXT - MOL SMART SHIP PROJECT -," started in November 2016, and aims to become customers' first choice as a logistics partner by applying ICT technology to improve service quality and efficiency.
Screen before upgraded system
Screen after upgraded system
AR displays of voyage information
(daytime: comparison with AR on/off)
AR displays of voyage information
(nighttime: comparison with AR on/off)
(Note 1)
Please refer to the December 26, 2017 press release:
"MOL Jointly Develops Voyage Information Display System Using AR Technology that Will Lead to Autonomous Ships in the Future
- Supporting Ship Operation and Watch-keeping to Enhance Safety –"
(Note 2)
Please refer to the March 15, 2018 press release:
"Announcing Delivery of the Beluga Ace, 1st Next-generation FLEXIE Series Car Carrier - Cutting-edge, Newly Designed Car Carrier Equipped with 6 Liftable Decks –"